Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend!

What a great long weekend of R&R! We rented a fun house on Lake Placid and joined some friends for good times. We ate fabulous food (thanks to chef JV!) and had a great time on the lake. Ella and Kayla splashed in the pool and rode on the boat and this time next year, Elyse, who was still too small to join in the toddler fun, will be able to hang with the ever growing group of divas! Ella still had a difficult time adjusting to the lake and the boat again, but I am still not giving up hope that she will one day LOVE the water like her parents :) "Hollywood" as Jeremy called her~ Learning to play football with Uncle Joe. We're gonna need A LOT of practice with hand-eye coordination... All 3 girls in the pool! Here's Ella and Kayla splashing around... Then Kayla decided that swimsuits were "wet" and wanted no part of hers any longer, so Ella followed suit (or should I say NO suit!) I couldn't resist... Sorry girls!! Ella and Kayla having great fun in the bounce house..... until it started to collapse due to a faulty connection and then never again did either one of them want anything to do with that thing! Papa in the bouncer trying to convince Ella that it would be fun. Not a chance, Papa. The gals taking a bath together One last shot of the babes. Next year, add 2!

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