Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sweet Teya-head turns 1

SWEET JEEBUS!! WHO STOLE MY BABY??? Oh, she's right here! She's just not a baby anymore..... Really?? A year?? Yes, I will use the cliche, thank you... time flies. Really. That was one fast year. Teya is now: speed crawling, taking 4-5 steps at a time, laughing ALL the time, getting her 5th and 6th teeth in, saying "NO!" and "ELLA!", giving smooches, thinking shoes are one of the funniest things she's encountered so far, pointing to her nose, tracking her big sister Ella like an infrared homing device and generally developing into one sassy, opinionated, adorable little gal. I just got finished perusing some photos from a year ago and, my, has she changed! What a great year it's been! Happy birfday, Bubbie. I love you so very much! Sweet baby girl, one year ago....