Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Sweet Hair!

Uncle Trey came into town for a few days to hang out. Since graduating from the fire Academy in Houston he has been stationed, of all possibilities in a city of well over 2 million people, at the very same station and same shift (51 B) as Kevin! Which also means that they now have the very same schedule. So for the bulk of their 5 days in between tours Uncle Trey and Papa worked and played together here in Austin. I have made it clear that upon arriving at a fire they are to immediately decide who is going in and who is staying out since they cannot possibly both enter and risk me having to worry about both of them. They politely smile and go about their business when I voice my command. Hmpf... Anywho, this is a photo of Ella after Uncle Trey decided to "fix" her hair this morning. Nice bow placement.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Olivia Marie is Here!

Our new cousin was born today in Houston!! Weighing in at 7.3lbs and 19 and a quarter inches long, she has a head full of dark hair and beautiful olive skin. Now the family is complete: a red head, a blondie and a baby girl exhibiting her Italian heritage with the dark hair :) We are so excited to welcome her to the family and cannot wait to meet her soon!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Brandy, James & The New Twins

My sweet friend Brandy Robb and her husband, James, tried for so very long to get pregnant. After exhausting all other methods they decided to try In vitro fertilization . After much thought they determined that implanting 2 embryos was a good start in hopes that at least one would make it. Well, both of them decided Brandy and James were the right parents for them! They were pregnant with twins; a boy and a girl. Brandy's pregnancy went well, she was very healthy and really took care of herself. Aside from a few headaches and nausea to begin with and some faint episodes, it seemed like it was the picture perfect pregnancy. The family, and Brandy, had a major emotional setback when her sister, Debra, and her son, Shay, were in a car accident on Thanksgiving Day and Debra was killed. Like the trooper she is, Brandy tried to stay upbeat and believe that Debra would want her to go on in a positive light, but nevertheless, it was (and still is) a difficult road. Doctor's were hoping that Brandy would make it until the babies were strong enough to live life outside the womb and they did. At 8:27 and 8:28pm January 15th (her 35th week) the twins made their debut through an emergency C-section due to Brandy's pre-eclampsia . Shortly thereafter Brandy's body started to go downhill and shutdown; her kidneys and liver went into failure, blood pressure could not be stabilized and was within stroke range... very scary stuff considering this can be fatal if not kept under control. Just when she seemed to be turning a corner, something else seemed to set her back. She had 2 blood transfusions and emergency surgery to stop some internal bleeding. She was not even able to spend much time with her babies until they were 4 days old; short visits since she remained in such a weakened state. At this point she really has turned a good corner and although she is still very weak and has a lot of physical recovery to endure as well as bonding time with the babies she has not gotten a chance to be with as much as she would like, she gets to go home now and start creating memories with her new family of four :) All this to say that I appreciate what I have that much more and realize that even through the worst events, the best things can emerge. To one of the most sincere, compassionate and empathetic people I have ever known, you have been so much on my mind lately and will continue to be as I stand from afar and watch your strength and faith empower you, not only to be a wonderful mother, but a wonderful human being. Welcome into the world Lillian Claire and Matthew James Robb! You are already so loved!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Dinner Party

The VandeBergs were in town and staying with David and Michelle so Ella and I were invited to a dinner party this evening. Ella and Kayla had fun hanging out with eachother, trading shoes and jackets and eating cheese and crackers. It's been so much fun to see these two grow up together! On the car ride over Ella practiced over and over "Hi Kayla, hi alicia, hi JV" and then when we walked in went completely silent. Of course she did.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

'Bout time!

1.20.09 What a swell day! Here's to at least 4 years of sanity :)

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Deanna & Elyse's Final Shower!

Ok, one more trip to Houston and then we're calling it quits; at least for a couple of weeks until the babies arrive! The Gourmet Goddesses hosted one final shower for Auntie Deanna and baby Elyse. It was such a great turn out! Baba Yega's is the perfect place to throw a swank shower: great scenery, delicious food, yummy mimosas, and best of all, very little work on the part of the hostesses! It was really a great time and Elyse raked in the loot. I think the Dyer household is ready for a baby; at least the house is, don't know if parents are yet ;)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

"Um... probalee....."

Not sure where she learned this, but all of a sudden it's a part of her everyday vocabulary. If you ask her a question she doens't know the answer to she pauses, rolls her eyes up a little and says "um.... probalee...." and then just looks at me blankly or attempts to divert my attention to something completely unrelated.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

San Antonio for Deanna's Shower

We came back from Houston on Friday and then headed to San Antonio Saturday morning to celebrate Elyse's upcoming arrival. What a great shower! Ella had such a great time playing with the other little girls and helping Auntie Deanna open gifts. After the shower we stopped by to visit with Granny, Aunt Michelle and Parker (one of Ella's all time favorite people). We had left "blankie" at Granny's the week before, so the trip was imperative to a smoother bedtime routine. Every night since leaving blankie at Granny and Popo's she has asked for it as soon as she gets in the bed. And every night I told her the same thing "we'll have to get it when we go back to visit Granny". I am happy this no longer has to be a part of our bedtime routine :)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Uncle Trey Graduates!

We made yet another trip to H-town for Uncle Trey's graduation from the Houston Fire Academy. He is now an official Houston Firefighter! Ella went with us to the graduation and was very entertaining to the family and those around us. She got really into clapping for each badge that got pinned on and eventually started yelling "FIREFIGHTER!" every time the next person came onstage. She was not any too happy when I had to leave her to go pin Uncle Trey's badge on him and Papa had to take her out of the room for a couple of minutes until she could hold it together :) Unfortunately after the ceremony she was so wound up and ready to leave that I didn't get any pic's of her and Trey (or anyone else for that matter). After we took her back to Gram and Papa2's house for bed we went out on the town and celebrated for a bit!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Go Horns!!

Had to wear this today in honor of the Horns! Her hook 'em Horns hand gesture is not quite perfected yet, she just waves her hand up and down and yells "go horns!", but I feel sure that with intensive practice she'll get it soon~

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Snow Day!

We had such a fun time with the "snow day" that we had at the house! The "snow" wasn't super fabulous, but the kid's had fun with it. It really just turned out to be a big old play date with kids running amuck everywhere, all over the yard. What a great way to start out 2009, with 80 degree weather, fake snow, good friends and tasty beverages for all :)