Monday, August 24, 2009

3rd Annual GG's Beach Trip!

This is the 3rd year that our group of girlfriends have gotten together and rented a beach house in Galveston during the summer. Every year our group grows bigger with the addition of more baby girls! Ella was the first baby girl to attend in year 1 and Auntie Shelly was prego with Lauren then. Year 2 it was Ella and Lauren and Auntie Deanna prego with Elyse. This year it was Ella, Lauren & Elyse, me prego with baby girl #2, Auntie Shelly prego with baby #2 and Auntie Jen prego with Sofia (along with first timers Julie and baby Lila). Next year we might just need a condo complex to rent. We had such a great time hangin' on the beach and hangin' out together as our ever-increasing group of little divas gets more sassy each year. Ella is still not super excited about the water, but she's getting there. Maybe by year 5 she'll actually step foot in it without me forcing her to kicking and screaming...

Monday, August 10, 2009

Back to School Ella

So she said she was excited about going back to school... When we actually showed up, she was less than excited to go in and even more distraught when she found out that she was going to be in a different class this year. Yay for crying toddlers who won't let go of Mom's leg and cry and scream "Don't leave me, Mommy!" It made me feel like a million bucks! Mommy of the year award type emotions. Oh well, I started her a week earlier than I had to go back so that I could pick her up early and make the transition easier on her. Not sure if it made a difference or not, but it's a good theory. This is how excited she was to be home that afternoon...

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Summer's Coming to a Close...

Another breeze by summer, almost time for Mom to go back to work and Ella to go back to school. A few more play dates with friends, more swim time, lots of lying around the house while Mama grows bigger by the second and dreads going back to work in the hundred+ degree heat (it is now officially the 2nd hottest summer in recorded Austin history; what a super summer to be pregnant!). Ahhh.... I think I'm already ready for summer 2010... I guess I'll have to wait on that one!