Monday, March 30, 2009

Growing Up Sassy

So, we're at the Olive Garden (mmmm... salad and breadsticks!) this evening (yes, my uncontrollable pregnancy appetite is out of hand, thereby making my daughter my newest dinner date as of late), we're done eating and I put my credit card on the table so the waitress will pick it up next time she comes and we can make a quick exit as Sassy was getting a bit impatient. Waitress finally comes by and picks up the card and Ella furrows her brow and says "Hey, that's not yours, that's Jennie's", as she points to me. I seriously about fell out of my chair. It's the little things :)

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Love the Weekends!

She comes home on Friday with a 102 fever. Big plans for the weekend down the drain: no going to Houston to play with cousins and Elyse and the art festival. Wakes up Saturday morning with 99.3, not really even a fever, but you never know what could happen during the course of the day, so I still decide to play it safe and stay home. NO FEVER THE REST OF THE WEEKEND. I believe my daughter feigned illness in order to avoid a busy weekend. Oh well, we both probably needed it. We got all sorts of yard work done: planted flowers, watermelon seeds, sweet peas and bought all sorts of other veggie seeds in preparation for the garden. Sunday afternoon we shared popsicles in the front yard admiring our new colorful and de-weeded flower beds!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Relaxation Station

Ok, so this is what a true spring break is supposed to be like... hanging out in the sun at the pool for hours. The water was a tad too chilly for me to get in, but Ella was all over it. She walked around and chatted with people all afternoon. I guess the "stranger danger" talk is going to have to come sooner rather than later, although it was endearing to watch. She gets more fun by the day :) BTW, we had a great night #2 in the big bed; ran her hiney off at the Austin Zoo with Eva yesterday morning, more of that wearing her down theory in action!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Big Girl Bed!

So I have been talking about getting the big girl bed for a long while now. We finally broke down and did it. I was a bit apprehensive about it, but I guess it's a good thing it's spring break and we have a few days to adjust to the change. We had to say goodbye to the the crib and the "baby's room" before breaking it down and setting up the new twin digs. It turned out really well and Ella seemed pleased once it was all changed. She actually did fabulously her first night too, which MAY be due to the fact she hadn't figured out she could actually get herself out of this bed and not have to wait to be retrieved. I'm saving my praises.... Maybe some of it had to do with running non-stop at the bounce place yesterday with Brooke and Natalie. Mama likes to wear her out. Makes for a better night's sleep :)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St Patty's Day!

So much for the very relaxing break from work... Monday and Tuesday Ella's school was open so we decided to take her (she requested to go anyways, yay!) and get some stuff done around the house. We had such grand plans: cleaning the garage, cleaning the spare bedroom and closet, Goodwill trips, insulating the attic, building and planting a raised bed vegetable garden in the backyard. Hmpf... How is it that one ALWAYS underestimates the time it is going to take to complete things like this? Did we really think 2 days was going to do it? Well, let's just say that the only things that got done over the course of both Monday and Tuesday is insulating the attic (which I VEHEMENTLY do NOT recommend doing yourself, no matter what the monetary savings are) and getting the garden structure half up; not the planting part, mind you, ONLY most of the structure. Yep, that's it. Oh well, we had good intentions. We did get to go out for an absurdly expensive authentic Irish dinner with our friend's, the Oliver's, to celebrate St Patrick's Day though - Éirinn go brách! (means "Ireland forever" in Gaelic)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Bean #2!

Had a doctor's appointment today and bean #2 is doing well in there so far! The heartbeat was fast and strong and the sonogram revealed that there are 2 arm buds and 2 leg buds, hooray!! Adjusted due date is October 18th, my brother Trey's birthday, which he reminded me was a day that "badasses are born" :)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Spring Break '09!!!

Yes, this week is Spring Break; so ready for the break! I actually had to come home early from work Wednesday of last week because I was so incredibly tired I couldn't keep my eyes open. I came home, slept for 3 hours, then went and picked Ella up and still managed to be back in bed and sleep soundly the whole night through at my normal bedtime. This pregnancy fatigue is really getting old.... So yippee for the break and some down time! Today was a fun family day. Ella started the morning by deciding she was going to wear just socks, undies and her winter hat and mittens. She really did want to just hang out in this outfit. Later we went shopping for a bit and she ended up with some super cool new sun specks that she picked out herself. I figured maybe if I let her pick them out this time she may just actually wear them. She did. All the rest of the afternoon :)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

First Big Owie

So I will spare myself the embarrassment of explaining just exactly what happened to cause my child's face to look like she got in a bar room brawl last night, but suffice it to say it was one of those evenings of feeling like THE WORST parents in the world; riddled with grief and the "what if"s Kevin and I really had to work ourselves out of the funk. There were even a few tears shed from Mama at the sight of the blood coming out of her split open lip. Let's just say unattended, falling on asphalt and call it a post!