Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St Patty's Day!

So much for the very relaxing break from work... Monday and Tuesday Ella's school was open so we decided to take her (she requested to go anyways, yay!) and get some stuff done around the house. We had such grand plans: cleaning the garage, cleaning the spare bedroom and closet, Goodwill trips, insulating the attic, building and planting a raised bed vegetable garden in the backyard. Hmpf... How is it that one ALWAYS underestimates the time it is going to take to complete things like this? Did we really think 2 days was going to do it? Well, let's just say that the only things that got done over the course of both Monday and Tuesday is insulating the attic (which I VEHEMENTLY do NOT recommend doing yourself, no matter what the monetary savings are) and getting the garden structure half up; not the planting part, mind you, ONLY most of the structure. Yep, that's it. Oh well, we had good intentions. We did get to go out for an absurdly expensive authentic Irish dinner with our friend's, the Oliver's, to celebrate St Patrick's Day though - Éirinn go brách! (means "Ireland forever" in Gaelic)

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