Saturday, May 31, 2008

Weekend with Granny & Popo

Miss Ella spent Saturday evening with Granny and Popo in San Antonio while we went to a wedding in Houston. The report was that she had a blast at her cousin Shane's 1st birthday party helping to open gifts and eating cake. Sadly enough no pictures of Kevin and I were captured at the wedding, so here's one of me and Uncle Trey, who Ella calls "Tay".

Thursday, May 29, 2008

New Hat

She decided the strainer would make a lovely addition to her outfit. I think she's headed to fashion stardom. How "out of the box", Ella. Snaps to you, you hot mess!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

After Pigtails

HA! Had to get a shot of her hair post-pigtails. Looks like she's super stressed!

Monday, May 26, 2008

More Lake Fun!

We had such a good time on Saturday we decided to head out boating again today. She took a while to warm back up to the idea of being on the boat, but weathered through it and was ok. Poor girl had another long day as we didn't get off the lake until around 6pm. She took all of a 30 minute nap in my lap this afternoon, but proved she's a rock star in the making keeping her cool all afternoon and then stopping to eat at Ski Shores on our way back in.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Lazy Sunday Morning

She finally loves her kitty that we got her for her 1st birthday!! I guess I jumped the gun on that gift a little bit. She hasn't aknowledged that it's there since the day she got it, and now she loves him! Here she is showing off her verbal and sign language skills. We went swimming at Auntie Sarah's pool later in the day, but I forgot the camera so no pic's of that fun time.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Holiday Weekend on Lake Austin!

Ella went on her first boat excursion today and what a trooper! I put her new life jacket on her and let her walk around in it for a bit so she'd get used to it. I was so relieved when she actually liked it and sported it around the house for a while before leaving. We left after breakfast around 9:30am. Once she got back in the boat after swimming she was much more comfortable and started to walk around some. She was pretty skeptical of the whole situation for a long while after getting onto the boat. She was also not very fond of getting into the water at first, but she soon got over that and had the greatest time floatin' around and watching people around us play. Her MOST favorite place to be was in the driver's seat if Kevin or I were driving. She actually got mad at me once because I wouldn't let go of the throttle so SHE could control it. I think we might be creating a little boat snob... Anywho, we docked at Hula Hut around 3pm (no nap or formal meal since breakfast, mind you), ate some lunch and then she and I took of to go home and catch a late nap. She was so tired she was passed out in the car seat before I even drove away from the parking lot. This is gonna be a good summer :)
Her favorite place to be! Thinking SHE'S in control!
Here she is putting on her own sunscreen... What a BIG little girl!! Didn't get it quite even and rubbed in....

Friday, May 23, 2008

Little Booger

Just love this little Booger, as we affectionately call her. I heard her in her room, ready to get up and took a couple of shots of the morning Ella before snatching her up from the crib. After I got her dressed, she looked way too cute for me to skip out on taking a few pic's and snipet of video before heading out for the day.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Happy Girl

Here's my happy gal playing with the new obsession in her life, Blankie. I thought we were past the point of getting attached to something, but apparently I was incorrect. I've been trying to get her to love on a smaller blanket I made her so she could actually carry it around without it dragging on the floor, but she's already made up her mind. Beware mothers of infants! Choose the "lovey" wisely.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Loving Papa

Hanging out and watching Sesame Street, then giving Papa big hugs before heading off to Miss Esther's for the day.

Sunday, May 18, 2008


This afternoon she let me put 2 pigtails in her hair and actually left them in the rest of the evening! I am SO excited! She finally took them out during dinner, but I'd say we're off to a good start as far as the hairstyling goes. Isn't she the darn cutest?! Here she is amusing us with some of her first words ~ Ella, alright and bye bye.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

With Papa for the Night

She finally let me put bows in her hair and actually left them in long enough for me to get a couple of pic's before ripping them out (and then disassembling them). We spent a nice morning together, then an extra long nap, then I left to go to Houston for the Radiohead concert for the night. Ella and Papa spent the rest of the afternoon and evening together getting in some good bonding time while I was gone.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Walking Around... and around and around

While in the front yard (with her britches falling down!) Ella has decided that she likes to make the circle around the front flower bed over and over and over and over again. She really doesn't like to stop unless she finds something of interest on the ground. She ESPECIALLY doesn't like to stop for stupid pictures Mom's trying to take. This explains the fact there are no pictures of her actually looking at the camera. I am so looking forward to 13.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Justa Thursday....

Playing with jewelry and reading books, tromping around the backyard, eating, and then subsequently spitting out, peas and corn.... just your average Thursday evening with Miss Ella!