The girls (and boy!!) are growing bigger and cuter by the minute. Here's where you can keep up with their busy days and adorable ways!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Trail of Lights
I begrudgingly convinced Papa to take a trip down to see the Trail of Lights before it got cold again. What a big mistake it was to try to go on a nice weathered Friday night! Geebus! It was more than a little frustrating to have to park about 6 blocks away and then feel like one in a herd of cattle for the next couple of hours. Also, it's always fun to push an annoying stroller the whole time that Ella not even once would actually sit in. I really don't even think she was that interested in the actual lights. We were so ready to get out of that mess we didn't even get to go spin underneath the Zilker tree. Oh well, lesson learned. Mental note to self for next year: go on a week night when kids are going to school the next day; park and ride the shuttle and get dropped off at the gate; ditch the stroller and perhaps invest in a small human leash instead.
Here she is playing Ring Around the Rosey with her Papa.
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