Sunday, October 18, 2009

On the Eve of Your Arrival

So, the induction got moved up to tomorrow, Monday, October 19 at 6am. I suppose, if all goes well, this will be your birthday! I have to admit I am having second thoughts about induction now, not for any other reason than it is kind of fun and exciting to anticipate the moment that labor starts to happen and be thrown into a frenzie getting things figured out and to the hospital. Since your Papa says this is our last kiddo, that means this will probably be the last time I am pregnant. I did have every intention of letting you arrive on your own, however at this point I am pretty uncomfortable and ready for you to be here, not to mention everyone now has a plan of when and where they are going to be in order to help us and be here for your entry into the world. I am SO very excited to meet you and bring you home to start another chapter of our lives with another baby girl in the house! Your sister, Ella, is so excited to be a big sister! We love you and are looking forward to a family of 4. xoxo, Mama Here's one last shot of the family of 3....

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