Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day Lake Fun!

A mini-getaway to Lake Placid (in Seguin, TX, that is) for a long weekend of boating, swimming, eating and trying to relax was all good. Since I was too busy waddling around after Ella I neglected to take more than 5 pictures and none of them turned out. To go from taking about 5,000 photos a day during my first child's first 2 years, to taking 5 pictures of nothing during an entire trip is pretty bad. Hopefully for Baby girl #2's sake my love of the camera will return so at least her first couple of years will be as documented as her older sister's. Did I mention I was tired? Oh yeah, it must be this 19lb moving bowling ball in my belly :) Here's some fun pic's of Saucy with her helmet and tutu on pretending to talk on the phone and dance...

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