Sunday, September 27, 2009

San Antonio Visitors

After the Fleming clan came in for lunch on Saturday to celebrate Papa's birthday, the Vandebergs arrived to spend the night, cook dinner and hang out. Kayla and Ella are lifelong friends now and Ella looks forward to seeing Kayla. Within the next couple of months both Ella and Kayla will be big sisters and our brood of 2 will increase to 4! How fun over the years to have this fearsome foursome grow up together all so close in age! Again, not too stellar with the picture taking, but here's one of the big sisters at lunch on Sunday.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

First Illness of the School Year

So, tired, lazy, very pregnant Mama took Ella and headed to Luby's for dinner (per her request) after picking her up from school. Ummm, yeah. I don't know if my patience has lessened with pregnancy or she was already feeling ill, or maybe a bit of both, but the two of us completely lost it in Luby's. It all started with the Jello. They were out of red, which of course was the color she wanted, and then the cupcake I wouldn't put on the tray... Hell hath no fury like a little girl who's been refused red Jello and a cupcake! The child started screaming and crying like I was physically torturing her. I really tried (and succeeded for a little bit) to keep my composure and ignore her until the screaming and crying subsided. Well, since Plan A didn't work (she NEVER quit screaming and crying), I had to resort to Plan B, which was to get the heck outta Dodge, and fast. I really was almost on the verge of tears and everyone around us could not stop sneaking glances at us as I'm sure we looked like some scene out of a comedic parenthood movie, and were annoying to boot. No amount of reasoning or begging was getting me anywhere. I packed up our food and literally drug her out of the restaurant. I made eye contact with another mom while putting Ella into the car and I'm not sure if the look was "Oh-I've-been-there-before-and-I-feel-for-you" or "Jeez-Lady-you've-totally-lost-it-and-need-to-calm-down". It took a good 20 minutes before my adrenaline levels went back to normal and we finally sat down at the kitchen table and resumed dinner and an early night for the both of us. All that to say that when she woke up the next morning she had a fever of 104+. Awesome. I just lost it and almost killed the both of us and it was all because the child probably felt like complete poo. Apologies Ella, I guess you could say Mama's have their days too! This is what she looked like ALL day Thursday and Friday until the fever let up. Poor girl :(

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day Lake Fun!

A mini-getaway to Lake Placid (in Seguin, TX, that is) for a long weekend of boating, swimming, eating and trying to relax was all good. Since I was too busy waddling around after Ella I neglected to take more than 5 pictures and none of them turned out. To go from taking about 5,000 photos a day during my first child's first 2 years, to taking 5 pictures of nothing during an entire trip is pretty bad. Hopefully for Baby girl #2's sake my love of the camera will return so at least her first couple of years will be as documented as her older sister's. Did I mention I was tired? Oh yeah, it must be this 19lb moving bowling ball in my belly :) Here's some fun pic's of Saucy with her helmet and tutu on pretending to talk on the phone and dance...