Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Sweet Hair!

Uncle Trey came into town for a few days to hang out. Since graduating from the fire Academy in Houston he has been stationed, of all possibilities in a city of well over 2 million people, at the very same station and same shift (51 B) as Kevin! Which also means that they now have the very same schedule. So for the bulk of their 5 days in between tours Uncle Trey and Papa worked and played together here in Austin. I have made it clear that upon arriving at a fire they are to immediately decide who is going in and who is staying out since they cannot possibly both enter and risk me having to worry about both of them. They politely smile and go about their business when I voice my command. Hmpf... Anywho, this is a photo of Ella after Uncle Trey decided to "fix" her hair this morning. Nice bow placement.

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