Sunday, November 30, 2008

Birthday Party & a Trip to Visit Papa

Saturday morning we went a birthday party for our friend Noah Yanta at the park. Ella had a great time swinging and running and going up to strange women and asking to be picked up and carried around. Yes, I thought it a bit odd too, but who am I to judge. Her favorite part of course was the cupcake, as evidenced by the chocolate stains that are now on the sweater she wore that morning. Before heading back to Austin on Sunday we took a trip with Gus, Ethan, Aunt Jennifer and Uncle David to see the fire trucks at Papa's station. It was all fun and games until she was sitting in the front seat with Gus and Papa decided to blow the horn. She wanted NOTHING to do with those trucks after that. Too loud and scary! She had fun running in circles around the trucks with a super pregnant Aunt Jennifer in tow. What a good sport Aunt Jen!

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