Thursday, July 31, 2008

Lost Angel

I know that it's hard to deal with loss and I really thought twice about posting a small note to the child we have lost as it seems much more emotionally "safe" to move on and not mention it. But when I look at this blog, and all it's postings, this is our life in a nutshell, mostly happy and sometimes not so happy. I cannot skip over such an event that will forever more shape me and our growing family. So on the eve of what will be the day that this once precious, growing child is removed from my body, for my emotional well being I must acknowledge how I am feeling in honor of him. To my lost angel, I was so very blessed to carry you, even if it was only for a short time. Although you will not be with me physically I will forever more be your proud Mommy and think of you always. For reasons that I cannot possibly know right now you were not meant for this world and I must believe that it is because of a much greater plan and is for the best in the end. I know you are in a wonderful place with your adoring Grandmommy and I trust that you will take care of each other until the day I have the overwhelming honor of being with you both. I love and will miss you more than words can express.


eternally optimistic said...

you are always with me, especially now. i miss you and love you.

txcorkdork said...

That is a beautiful tribute to your little angel. That baby is in the loving arms of Patty P. in heaven. Much love, Nonie

txcorkdork said...
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Heather said...

Just want you to know that I have been thinking about you and that was a very amazing poem. I hope to see you soon....