Saturday, June 7, 2008

Visiting Friends

Here's my big girl eating yogurt with a spoon ALL BY HERSELF!! So half of it went on her shirt, but it was a good start! Later, Heather and her twins, Scarlett and Ruby, dropped by for a visit! We were SO excited to meet them! Sweet little baby girls! Ella was fascinated with the carrier and wanted to be in it. Then when the twinkies were both back in their carriers I wanted to get a picture of them and Ella together. Miss Ella had other plans. She decided that if she was going to be in the picture she was going to be in a carrier; even if there was a baby in it already. Since that didn't work out for her she threw a fit and refused to take part in the photo. So here are the twins, minus my stubborn daughter! Finally in the evening we went to bbq at the Geck's house. Here Miss Ella and Sloan hangin' on the couch. How cute are they!! I wish I'd have used the flash, but you get the idea!

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